20% freeze-dried grass-fed beef liver
20% freeze-dried grass-fed beef heart
20% freeze dried grass fed beef kidney
20% freeze-dried grass-fed beef spleen
20% freeze-dried grass fed beef pancreas
Beef gelatin (capsules)
Increases energy and helps with fatigue
vitamin B2, B3, B5, B11, B12
Supports the immune system
vitamin A, B11, B12, copper and the DAO enzym from kidney
Supports your overall state of mind
vitamine B3, B12, iron
Supports digestion
pancreatic enzymes
Helps replenish iron
Iron from liver and spleen
Supports your sports performance (cardio/strength)
CoQ10 and taurine from heart
20% freeze-dried grass-fed beef liver
20% freeze-dried grass-fed beef heart
20% freeze dried grass fed beef kidney
20% freeze-dried grass-fed beef spleen
20% freeze-dried grass fed beef pancreas
Beef gelatin (capsules)
DAO enzym
Vitamin A
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B3
Vitamin B5
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B8
Vitamin B11
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Per dose
867 IU (35% ADH)
0,22 mg (14% ADH)
1,2 mg (75% ADH)
0,59 mg (12% ADH)
0,07 mg (5% ADH)
3,84 mcg (10% ADH)
13,8 mcg (5% ADH)
5,58 mcg (199% ADH)
3 mg (4% ADH)
2,1 mg (19% ADH)
0,3 mg (30% ADH)
8 mcg (15% ADH)
45,8 mg (7% ADH)
0,55 mg (7% ADH)
Recommendation: 6 capsules per day (3000mg).
6 capsules correspond to approximately 15 grams of fresh organ meat.
Our Organ Mix contains 5 beef organs: heart, kidney, spleen, liver and pancreas....
Each capsule packs over 24 essential nutrients, all of them naturally sourced and ready for your body to use.
These nutrients are easy to absorb because they come straight from whole animal sources.
That means that, unlike synthetic or plant-based supplements, your body can process them almost instantly.
It’s the perfect way to fix nutritional gaps, feel more comfortable in your body, and boost your energy levels.
By taking our Organ Mix daily, you can trust that your body is getting the highest quality nutrition it needs to perform at its best.
Because it’s loaded with nutrients backed by scientific studies, offering real benefits for things like low energy, a strong immune system and even weight management.
This way, you effortlessly get all the support your body needs...
So you can look and feel better, and become the best version of yourself!
The most powerful type of organ meat
De ultieme multivitamine
Een bron van energie
Source of energy
Helps with histamine complaints
Onderdeel van de Krachtbundel
50% gevriesdroogde grasgevoerde rundertestikel
50% gevriesdroogde grasgevoerde runderlever
Rundergelatine (capsules)
Advies: 6 capsules per dag (3000mg)
6 capsules staat ongeveer gelijk aan 15 gram vers orgaanvlees.
Testikel specifieke peptiden, enzymen en co-stoffen
Vitamine A
Vitamine B3
Vitamine B12
Per dosering
3167,9 IU (128% ADH)
1,5 mg (89% ADH)
13,9 mcg (498% ADH)
1,19 mg (16% ADH)
6,3 mg (12% ADH)
High in heme iron & vitamin C
Een speciaal enzym
Rijk aan heemijzer & Vitamine C
Lipase, Protease & Amylase
Digestive enzymes: lipase, protease & amylase
Raymond H.
“Does exactly what it is supposed to do. I have more energy, feel good and am comfortable in my skin. A very good addition to my life!”
Aswin B.
“After years of using various supplements, I finally found something that actually works. My body feels better because of this vitamin bomb!”
Els E.
“I'm not really a meat eater, but I consider Organ Mix a success! I have more energy and feel good about it.”
Marinka W.
“I have been struggling with mental health issues for some time, but since taking these pills, I feel mentally stronger and more resilient. I have more desire and energy to 'tackle' life.”
Absolutely yes! Every day you need new nutrients to get through your day with energy. The effects of the nutrients accumulate over time. Therefore, we also recommend consistent long-term use to experience the greatest benefits.
All of our ingredients are 100% safe, with no exceptions - no worries about: toxins, heavy metals and bacteria.
We test the organs independently so you don't have to worry about this.
Our supplements can be taken with or without food, all at once or spread throughout the day. Discover whatever works best for you.
When taken with a high-fat meal, it improves the absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins this product contains.
Because some people experience an energy boost after ingestion, we recommend not taking the supplements too late in the day.
Intake on an empty stomach may also provide extra energy for some.
The parties we partner with for our organ meats go beyond organic in that the cattle grow up and live entirely as nature intended.
They eat 100% grass and herbs from nutrient-rich soils, which in turn provides additional nutrients in the organs.
A dose of 6 capsules contains about 15-20g of organ meat, so you will get about 125 grams of organ meat per week with 6 capsules per day.
Because organs are so nutritionally rich, this dosage is more than enough to experience the benefits. There are also many customers who already experience noticeable benefits at half a dose.
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