I started Modern Native out of my own journey towards health. I myself am a big fan of sports and a healthy lifestyle in general. I got into fitness when I was 16. At that moment, a passion was born. Over the years, this passion grew into an obsession. At one point, I was in the gym seven days a week, about two hours a day. Not to talk, but to give my all every minute I was there. I wanted to push more and more boundaries and build as much muscle mass as possible.
In terms of nutrition, I also did everything for this, which in my case meant bulking for about 7 years. Taking in a lot more calories every day than I burned per day, and I burned a lot. I varied little with my food and it consisted of the cheapest cottage cheese every day, bread with lots of egg and trays of dry chicken, rice and vegetables I had prepared for a whole week. I always washed this down with lots of water as it was so dry and tasted like nothing. Besides, I was a student and saw all the beer and junk food that came with it as bonus calories. I couldn't go more than 3 hours without eating. Preferably, I ate every hour.
This was reflected in results; over the years I gained about 25 kilos of muscle mass. This was all going well, until at one point I started experiencing some symptoms while exercising. Pain in my elbow, lower back and upper back. But I thought: that's part of it and it will pass. In addition, my belly was getting worse and bloated more often. I ignored this too. Until it reached a point where it could no longer be ignored and more and more symptoms started appearing. I started exercising less often and less extremely and only did light exercises. It didn't get much better from this.
I reacted to food in ways I never had before, my concentration became less and less, and I was constantly tired. I began to realise that something was not going right. It occurred to me that it could be down to my food. Not much later, I went for a test which showed that I had built up an intolerance to the things I was eating: cottage cheese, egg and my favourite, chicken. A lot of inflammation was present in my body and I was also absorbing nutrients poorly, causing deficiencies despite eating so much.
After this, I started researching all possible ways to get and stay really healthy. I spent months trying just about every different diet out there. I also ate very little so as not to stress my digestion, because I noticed the more I ate, the more symptoms I had. Too much histamine in my body also played a big role. This is a substance that has a function in the immune system. Since my body saw many different foods as 'invaders' instead of useful food, I was producing too much of this substance, which caused quite a lot of trouble. Besides, certain foods contain a lot of histamine. So I didn't need this. Since I generally ate so little, I got even less nutrients and in a few months I almost lost all my accumulated weight. I was 20 kilos lighter again.
I read about fasting and its benefits so I started trying this. I noticed that this gave some relief and it felt like something was improving in my body. Since I was already eating so little and had lost a lot of weight, this was just not very beneficial for my energy.
At some point, someone pointed me to the carnivore diet. I started looking up more about this and came across many good stories, so I started trying it, without chicken. By now I had been doing different forms of fasting for a while and kept doing it. I noticed that I could immediately eat more the first few days without really feeling any discomfort. This was helpful because I also needed more food to regain energy and weight.
Meanwhile, I kept looking for things that could make me healthy again and read many good stories about our ancestors' way of eating. I read about the nose-to-tail carnivore diet, which means you don't just eat muscle meat, but everything from the animal, including the organs. This would contain the most nutrients. This is what I needed. Besides, I had tried everything anyway, so why not this too? Beef liver, heart, kidney, spleen, tongue, all kinds of organs came to mind. It is not the tastiest thing I have ever eaten (except tongue, which is definitely recommended), but I noticed that after a few days of eating organs, I very quickly got more energy and started to feel better.
The aim was to give it a chance for three months. After that, the plan was to reintroduce other foods, because I thought a healthy body should eventually be able to digest other things. After three months, I had gained about 13 kilos, my energy was back and my belly was calmer and no longer bloated. But for me, the most important thing of all was I could exercise again without any complaints. No more pain in my elbow, back and neck.
I am not a doctor and I am not saying that the nose-to-tail carnivore diet is the solution for everyone, I can only tell you what it did for me. It gave me back the nutrients I needed, and could not get enough of from other foods at the time. In addition, I believe the fasting provided much-needed rest to my body. I saw the nutrients from the meat and organs as the building blocks, and fasting as the space I gave my body to rebuild itself.
After three months, I started introducing some vegetables and fruits again, which went fine.... You could now describe my way of eating as the 'paleo diet', or as I call it; eating the way our ancestors ate. 'Nose to tail', unprocessed, good quality and with necessary breaks between meals. As I used to eat six to seven times a day, I now often eat twice a day.
modern native
To this day, I still eat organ meat regularly. However, despite how nutritious organs are, many people these days find it strange to eat them. I myself would rather eat a steak than a piece of kidney. So I started looking for a way to get these important nutrients without having to eat organ meats. This is where Modern Native's supplements came from; concentrated, freeze-dried organs in a capsule.
Modern Native's supplements are not a miracle or cure-all, and it will never compensate for a poor diet. It is, however, a very good supplement and source of key vitamins, minerals and co-substances that we can't get or don't get enough of from other foods or supplements and that we need to live a strong, healthy and vital life. I have been able to experience the power of organs myself, now I want to show this to everyone.